That Woman has been very busy, working, helping other fan clubs and getting ready for her daughter's birthday. Last night after midnight she finished a large work project and today was the birthday party.
Last Tuesday was Purim. Purim is a holiday, apparently, where distinguished and handsome male bears are tortured by being forced to dress in women's clothes and are given pennies in return for their humiliation. When That Woman wasn't looking, I chewed on her camera disk, so there are no surviving images of me dressed as Queen Esther. I do have to say, however, that they were right - I was the prettiest Queen Esther there. The other ones had beards!
I got over seventy shiny pennies. I am rich!
IMX is opening an office in America! That Woman says this proves I was meant to come live with her, that some way or another, it would have happened. I remain doubtful of that. I think I am still the only American Joon. But to think of the USA with Joon Bears living all over the country - that would be paradisical.

Here are a few pictures of me at the BYJ's Ohana Meeting. Didn't I look good? I wanted the women there to play with me - and they DID! I like that very much.

My Auntie BB wrote about me and my brothers today, and I am so proud that we Joon Bears do not sit on shelves, but are dressed up and held and loved and taken fun places. I feel sorry for other bears that don't get the attention and love we Joon Bears get. I hope our Daddy knows how much love we Joon Bears collect upon his behalf, and upon our own behalf as well. I, myself, am very, very loveable.

That Woman went to the cemetery statue without me, but took photos of it and showed me. I think I would like to visit her. Maybe she would feel less sad if I went to see her. I have a talent for removing sadness from people who know me. That woman's great-aunt died last week, "a relief," she said, as she'd suffered terribly and for too long. "Death," she informed me, when I reacted with surprise to her statement, "is usually only bad for those left behind." From the look on her face, I decided to not press the matter.

At the birthday party today, we ate pizza and corn dogs, as well as pixy sticks and fruits, and candy necklaces, cranberries and oreos and soda and ... my stomach hurt. So, for dinner, we had tofu and miso soup, Alice had octopus, and Mo- That Woman and I had salmon. I think salmon is my favorite fish.

The kids played noisy video games and ate, then swam for over four hours! They played volleyball, blind shark, Marco Polo, and find the fish. I got to go into the pool with them!

Alice got a pretty dolphin anklet, which was too large for her ankle, so she's letting me borrow it as a necklace until Uncle Bob cuts it down to fit. That Woman says she found a woman who will make clothes for me, which is good, because I only have two outfits and wore my sleeping t-shirt into the swimming pool. When I'm awake, I wear my green outfit, but for three days straight last week, all That Woman did was stroke my hair and kiss my head or nose in the morning when she left and very late at night, when she came home. I didn't like that, but she moved me up onto her bed so that I wouldn't be entirely away from human contact. It's warm and comfortable, at least.

Today, That Woman taught me about 'snoozing', which is very enjoyable. Late in the afternoon, when the sun is comfortably hot and the breeze is just right, lay back with one arm up and one arm down and let yourself float in a place halfway between asleep and awake. Oh, so pleasant. Five minutes in, a boy at the party decided to come over and make conversation, as volleyball in the pool was "boring". After a moment, he left, and I snuggled back into the arms of That Woman, who, by the way, makes a very soft pillow, and drifted off again. Five minutes later, he was back. Every time I got comfortable, he was back. I wanted to bite him, but That Woman insisted on ruining my afternoon snooze by sitting up and talking to him about video games and hugging chickens. Yes, hugging chickens. Something called "Harvest Moon". Sigh. I was so comfortable, too.
I promise I will blog at least once a week, if you will forgive Yours Truly for being away so long.
Please send me comments!