Day Two of My Captivity
That woman put me on a pink, smooshy cushion in a drawer to sleep last night, the soft blue towel over me so I wouldn't get cold. An open drawer, but a drawer nonetheless. Apparently, her daughter spent her first three days out of the hospital in one as well.
God grant me patience.
It was raining hard, so she left me at home this morning instead of taking me to work with her. She made a seat for me out of the cushion and towel, right under a gigantic calendar with Daddy frowning down upon me, as if he didn't approve of this maltreatment of his bear-child. I know I certainly don't approve of it. She kissed me on my nose, and several times on my bandanna. I was very glad of the bandanna as I'm sure she's covered with germs.
I took a look around the room she shares with her daughter, played a little GameCube - she hasn't visited her Animal Crossing town, Heaven, in over two months and there are weeds everywhere. She's married to Marlin in Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life and growing mutant vegetables that look like light bulbs. Her cows adore her. She's also got some pretty good books. The daughter, on the other hand, has bookshelves full of Nancy Drew and A Series of Unfortunate Events. I prefer the woman's bookshelf. I've heard 1421 is pretty good.
There were two pink rabbits in the room, both named Victoria. The elder had been with the woman since the woman was a girl, and looked quite worn. The second was a horror. She belonged to the girl, and during a visit to distant grandparents in a land called "Massachusetts", she was attacked by something called a Beagle. I am very afraid of Beagles, now. I was going to ask her what one looked like, but didn't want to bring up an obviously painful memory for her. They must be terrifying creatures, to eat a poor rabbit's eye like that. I hope That Woman never gets angry with me, and feeds me to a Beagle.
While she was gone, the redhead came in, threw a couple of window sreens into the room so that they almost hit me, then slammed the door shut. I could hear voices and furniture being moved. Finally, after a long day with no meals, the woman and her daughter came home. She didn't even come in to see me! She went straight to the living room and said "It's not what I would have chosen, but they look nice." She finally showed up a half-hour later, wet and wrapped in a towel. She kissed me on the nose and headscarf yet again. Note to self: douse your nose in rubbing alcohol.
My brothers and sisters in Japan are being hand-fed, I'm sure, pretty delicacies, and posing for photographs in frozen tableaux of snowy gardens in luxurious sweaters and scarves. The woman informed her daughter and myself that we would be getting a treat tonight. She went out and came back ten minutes later with bags from Taco Bell and 7-11. Taco Bell. Jesus wept.
I had a chicken enchirito, which She Who Is Not My Mommy says is her favorite, and it wasn't too bad. A little mild for my tastes. For dessert, we each got a Haagen-Dazs ice cream bar. They aren't allowed to sit on the newly-upholstered chairs, but I am. The chairs belonged to That Woman's grandmother, and when she was a child they were yellow, with brown flowers. They would put the two chairs together to make a kind of crib, she said, and she'd sleep there, when she was quite small. After Grandmother died, the redhead recovered them with pink fabric, then this past week they became a pretty midnight blue.
The girl put my jacket back on me after dinner. I was glad because it's rather cold here with the air conditioning on. The girl is playing something called VMK on the other computer, and That Woman is building a website for the fan club of some other man who is NOT my Daddy. She says it's because her friend Joanne is president of his fan club and doesn't know how to make a website. I would have strongly suggested That Woman is a traitor had I not seen the look on her face as she watched Daddy's new CF from Auntie BB's blog. I think she misses him as much as I do.
I do have an email address.
God grant me patience.
It was raining hard, so she left me at home this morning instead of taking me to work with her. She made a seat for me out of the cushion and towel, right under a gigantic calendar with Daddy frowning down upon me, as if he didn't approve of this maltreatment of his bear-child. I know I certainly don't approve of it. She kissed me on my nose, and several times on my bandanna. I was very glad of the bandanna as I'm sure she's covered with germs.
I took a look around the room she shares with her daughter, played a little GameCube - she hasn't visited her Animal Crossing town, Heaven, in over two months and there are weeds everywhere. She's married to Marlin in Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life and growing mutant vegetables that look like light bulbs. Her cows adore her. She's also got some pretty good books. The daughter, on the other hand, has bookshelves full of Nancy Drew and A Series of Unfortunate Events. I prefer the woman's bookshelf. I've heard 1421 is pretty good.

While she was gone, the redhead came in, threw a couple of window sreens into the room so that they almost hit me, then slammed the door shut. I could hear voices and furniture being moved. Finally, after a long day with no meals, the woman and her daughter came home. She didn't even come in to see me! She went straight to the living room and said "It's not what I would have chosen, but they look nice." She finally showed up a half-hour later, wet and wrapped in a towel. She kissed me on the nose and headscarf yet again. Note to self: douse your nose in rubbing alcohol.
My brothers and sisters in Japan are being hand-fed, I'm sure, pretty delicacies, and posing for photographs in frozen tableaux of snowy gardens in luxurious sweaters and scarves. The woman informed her daughter and myself that we would be getting a treat tonight. She went out and came back ten minutes later with bags from Taco Bell and 7-11. Taco Bell. Jesus wept.

The girl put my jacket back on me after dinner. I was glad because it's rather cold here with the air conditioning on. The girl is playing something called VMK on the other computer, and That Woman is building a website for the fan club of some other man who is NOT my Daddy. She says it's because her friend Joanne is president of his fan club and doesn't know how to make a website. I would have strongly suggested That Woman is a traitor had I not seen the look on her face as she watched Daddy's new CF from Auntie BB's blog. I think she misses him as much as I do.
I do have an email address.
Friday chéri, we all miss your daddy very much.
I love love your story, please continue to tell us about your new life with your new mom.
friday, how do you like your ice cream bar? Youre lucky to get those treats.
I liked the ice cream very much, thank you.
You are very pretty.
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